Russia, Aircraft construction
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30-May-2023 Tuesday
Continuation of the post “Il-76-MD-90A production increased to five per year. OKB Ilyushin is 90 years old! Specialists "Il" washed down scientific pop about the plane "

29-May-2023 Monday
Continuation of the post “Il-76-MD-90A production increased to five per year. OKB Ilyushin is 90 years old! Specialists "Il" washed down scientific pop about the plane "

29-May-2023 Monday
The production of IL-76-MD-90A was increased to five per year. OKB Ilyushin is 90 years old! Specialists "Il" washed down scientific pop about the plane

25-May-2023 Thursday
Taganor residents exported the first of four Be-200 firefighters to Algeria. In total, this is the 19th aircraft + production photos

07-April-2023 Friday
Continuation of the post “On the first MS-21, foreign engines were replaced with Perm ones. In October they will take to the air "

14-January-2023 Saturday
Became known the cost of new Russian aircraft from domestic components

30-November-2022 Wednesday
Continuation of the post “On the first MS-21, foreign engines were replaced with Perm ones. In October they will take to the air "

11-October-2022 Tuesday
UZGA showed certification tests of the Baikal aircraft. The first flight was on January 30th. The engine is imported, they want their own in 2024

10-September-2022 Saturday
In Balashikha, the production of composite products for MS-21 and SSJ-NEW was launched. We invested 1 billion rubles. Power increased by 2.3 times

15-March-2022 Tuesday
The new Tu-160M was given the name "Valentina Tereshkova"

10-February-2021 Wednesday
Rostec received permission for serial production of PD-14 engines for MS-21 passenger aircraft

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