Mat, Opposition
Page 2

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21-August-2022 Sunday
Opposition Polyglot

07-July-2022 Thursday
About the theft of officials

27-February-2022 Sunday
A valuable observation

24-December-2021 Friday
Fascism grew stronger ... (c)

12-November-2021 Friday
Navalnists - pathetic screamers or not?

25-October-2021 Monday
Rock fighters with the regime

05-September-2021 Sunday
For whom to vote?

04-September-2021 Saturday
A Tajik who worked at Andrey Pivovarov’s headquarters was banned from entering Russia

27-August-2021 Friday
The demands of any opposition

30-October-2020 Friday
Reply to the post “Lukashenko: “The decline of Lukashenko’s political career? Never. You can’t wait!””

22-August-2020 Saturday
Pink ponies and flying unicorns - or what is international law

20-August-2020 Thursday
Navalny poisoning

22-April-2020 Wednesday
I declare war on you

18-April-2020 Saturday
In the beautiful Russia of the future future

09-April-2020 Thursday
About God, coronavirus and idiots

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