Критика, Negative
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01-November-2022 Tuesday
And you say abroad, technology, development, progress. Let's also participate in the pig cry competition, and guys?

14-October-2022 Friday
Reply to the post “[IMPORTANT] Changes to the rules on Tin and the Special Procedure for Posting News, Political and Violent Social Content”

11-December-2021 Saturday
Reply to the post "Where is the logic?"

09-December-2021 Thursday
Response to the post "The Cinema Fund took away part of the money from the authors of the film about the icon who "saved" Moscow from the Nazis"

01-October-2021 Friday
Life story community criticism

17-September-2021 Friday
Morgenstern and three sixes

02-July-2021 Friday
The legendary TV presenter criticized the new monument on the Dyatlov Pass: "Fierce hack-work!" (VIDEO)

03-June-2021 Thursday
62-year-old whiskey for 900,000 rubles for dear SPIEF guests

20-January-2021 Wednesday
Warframe and "customer-centricity"!

13-December-2020 Sunday
Cyberpunk 2077. Disappointment of the year. IMHO

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