Comics, Thor
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08-September-2015 Tuesday
Mjolnir, or the engine that could

11-August-2015 Tuesday
HISHE: How Thor should have ended. Translation and voice acting of Vladimir Pavlovsky.

05-July-2015 Sunday
It's hard being Thor...

26-June-2015 Friday
Woman Thor decided to have a bite)

26-May-2015 Tuesday
Will the Mystic be able to lift the hammer if he reincarnates as Thor?

22-May-2015 Friday
Cap problems.

16-May-2015 Saturday
It was definitely an elevator

14-May-2015 Thursday
And the truth

07-May-2015 Thursday
Bilbo Baggins still cake.

03-May-2015 Sunday
Milota =)

25-April-2015 Saturday
The true cause of the Civil War

06-April-2015 Monday
I must immediately apologize for this post.

16-March-2015 Monday
Bad day for the Thunderer...

14-February-2015 Saturday
If Spider-Man was in The Avengers

20-January-2015 Tuesday
Unpleasant situation

31-December-2014 Wednesday
Older brother

23-November-2014 Sunday
Marvel version of Rapunzel

29-October-2014 Wednesday
Thor's face at this moment is priceless

24-September-2014 Wednesday
It's just Thor and Luke Cage dancing the quickstep.

13-September-2014 Saturday
Sketch of superheroes

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