Interesting, Racism
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19-September-2022 Monday
Response to the post “Fake about the queen on federal channels. Is it true that in the video, young Elizabeth II throws food to African children?

22-December-2021 Wednesday
Answer to the post "Employees should be hired correctly based on race, not competence"

21-December-2021 Tuesday
Employees should be hired on racial grounds, not on competencies

30-January-2021 Saturday
Post #7990024

20-June-2020 Saturday
Post #7533347

13-May-2020 Wednesday
When we ran out of flower names...

16-January-2020 Thursday
Interesting electric bike

11-October-2019 Friday
For over 30 years, Daryl Davis has been converting white supremacists to stop supporting racism

23-November-2018 Friday

23-October-2017 Monday
About Ku Klux Klan [Fake]

16-August-2016 Tuesday
Health Center Part 10 "New Year and how to celebrate it. A guide from Vyacheslav Alekseevich."

08-August-2016 Monday
Looking back #6

07-January-2016 Thursday
Did you know?

16-September-2015 Wednesday
Messages to aliens recognized as sexist and racist

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