Children, Ecology
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20-January-2020 Monday

14-November-2019 Thursday
The administration of the Magistralny village of the Omsk region has distinguished itself

13-October-2019 Sunday
Schoolchildren of the Leningrad region created an eco-cartoon about a plastic bag

09-October-2019 Wednesday
According to the precepts of Greta Thunberg!

07-October-2019 Monday
Yaroslavl schoolchildren celebrated World Animal Protection Day with a thematic lesson

08-June-2019 Saturday
Children made a film about Chistoman

01-June-2019 Saturday
"Good" neighbors and toxic substances.

05-May-2019 Sunday
Correct parenting

28-March-2019 Thursday
We came to nature. First it was - the first photo, and then we worked a little and made - the second ...

03-January-2019 Thursday
Song of the Earth

12-November-2018 Monday
Watercolor "Children. This. Our. Future", by Kateryna Cherniavska

06-November-2018 Tuesday
Handsome men

22-October-2018 Monday
To give birth means to pollute the environment?

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