Military establishment, LPR
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07-July-2022 Thursday
Video in support of the guys in the SVO zone

22-April-2022 Friday
Residents of Simferopol painted graffiti in support of the Russian military

21-April-2022 Thursday
Mariupol is finally taken under the control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and cleansed of Ukrainian nationalists, said the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov

04-April-2022 Monday
I am a soldier of the Armed Forces of the LPR, ask questions! I answer honestly, I will not hide anything as in the news

28-March-2022 Monday
Ukrainian special forces did the Armed Forces of Ukraine a disservice

24-March-2022 Thursday
Zelensky urged Russians to leave the Russian Federation

24-March-2022 Thursday
Response to the post "Foreign journalists in Donetsk. Did the world really want to know the truth about Ukraine's crimes?"

24-March-2022 Thursday
Foreign journalists in Donetsk. Did the world really want to know the truth about Ukraine's crimes?

23-March-2022 Wednesday
Mariupol 2014 year. Video chronicle on how people expressed their civic position

23-March-2022 Wednesday
Stirlitz knew what to do | Ukrainian humor

22-March-2022 Tuesday
Betrayal of the West. No one will help Ukrainians anymore

22-March-2022 Tuesday
Ukrainian media exposed themselves

22-March-2022 Tuesday
"They frighten the population" - Outrages of Ukrainian nationalists in Mariupol

21-March-2022 Monday
The war in Donbas was next to you for 8 years

21-March-2022 Monday
Diary of a woman who was pulled out from under the rubble of her own house in Volnovakha

21-March-2022 Monday
Civilians talk about the shelling of DPR cities by Ukrainian Nazis

21-March-2022 Monday
Clip "Retribution" - VoZmezdie. Ukraine - Russia

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