IT, Interview
Page 20

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06-February-2024 Tuesday
10 circles of hell in IT

05-February-2024 Monday
Go developer interview task analysis

31-January-2024 Wednesday
How memes allow you to weed out inappropriate employers

29-January-2024 Monday
Golang how to pass an interview. Complete analysis of 100 questions

11-January-2024 Thursday
Google was afraid, Amazon was trembling, June was starting his winning season

09-January-2024 Tuesday
How an IT girl interviewed

29-December-2023 Friday
IT, or which fence the queue went to

22-December-2023 Friday
Everything you need to know about HR specialists or when asked to hire for a position you have no idea about

14-December-2023 Thursday
Typical vacancy "requires a middle manager with low expectations"

[23] [21] [20] [19] [1]
