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19-March-2013 Tuesday
List of scientists of Dagestan

14-March-2013 Thursday
I'm probably already late, and the topic is already fed up with everyone, but ..

14-March-2013 Thursday
Scientists have proven the superiority of the Terran race in StarCraft 2

13-March-2013 Wednesday
I found this meme dude... Watch from 16:29 (Russia)

12-March-2013 Tuesday
"Scientists and their discoveries"

12-March-2013 Tuesday
All ingenious is simple

11-March-2013 Monday
A HUGE asteroid flew past Earth last night. And we went through everything again...

10-March-2013 Sunday
Specially, for the eternally dissatisfied cleaners, who did not have free space in the toilet, when food is asked to go out and just wash their hands:

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