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13-June-2013 Thursday
Elena Mizulina explained why the “anti-gay law”, which the Duma will consider in the second reading on Tuesday, is not directed against the LGBT community

31-May-2013 Friday
Law 6.13.1 on the Prohibition of Homosexual Propaganda to Minors

29-May-2013 Wednesday
France asks Russia for help in connection with the legalization of gay marriage

27-May-2013 Monday
LGBT leader Alekseev turned in high-ranking gays

24-May-2013 Friday
Here is a protest

17-May-2013 Friday
sad future

23-April-2013 Tuesday
what do you think?..

11-April-2013 Thursday
About sore. Comment for cons - inside.

01-April-2013 Monday
They flooded...

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