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13-March-2013 Wednesday
But my teacher on the tower)) took a little photoshop)) could not resist))

13-March-2013 Wednesday
Photoshop God

13-March-2013 Wednesday
And there will be.

12-March-2013 Tuesday
Peekaboo, a question for all music lovers

12-March-2013 Tuesday
You decide whether to believe in God or not!

12-March-2013 Tuesday
You decide whether to believe in God or not!

12-March-2013 Tuesday
Everyone was like that :)

11-March-2013 Monday
If we are not slaves of the Christian god, then whose gods are we the grandchildren of?

11-March-2013 Monday
God, he's like...

11-March-2013 Monday
Stupid, unintelligent creatures.

08-March-2013 Friday
Have a question ...

07-March-2013 Thursday
The strongest god is a lot of bukff but interesting

05-March-2013 Tuesday
Checkmate atheists

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