YouTube (link), Kamchatka
22-April-2024 Monday
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 1992
08-April-2024 Monday
Where are you going? Give an answer. Doesn't answer
08-April-2024 Monday
Set realistic goals for yourself
07-April-2024 Sunday
Maine is really experiencing a snowstorm, but the video is beautiful
06-April-2024 Saturday
Wheelhouse MRS-80 after cap. renovation 2023
06-April-2024 Saturday
Drifting on ice on a snowmobile in the village of Tilichiki, Kamchatka Territory
29-March-2024 Friday
And you were warned!
27-March-2024 Wednesday
Life on board "Vladimir Biryukov" 2023
23-March-2024 Saturday
Oh, this is not an easy job - dragging a hippopotamus out of the swamp!
21-March-2024 Thursday
The Kamchatka Transport Prosecutor's Office began checking the incident in the port of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
01-March-2024 Friday
Fishing in Kamchatka
26-February-2024 Monday
The wheelhouse of the self-propelled pontoon "Cargo 3". Just a spaceship
01-February-2024 Thursday
How can we transport all this harmful American food to Pakhachi?
26-January-2024 Friday
Wild cat hunting
20-January-2024 Saturday
Tugboating a self-propelled dinghy in the ice of Hidden Bay to the Tilichiki port point 02/11/2022
09-January-2024 Tuesday
Where is my child?
05-January-2024 Friday
“MRS-80 Turn to place 08/11/2023.”
05-January-2024 Friday
“Takeoff of the MIG-8 helicopter from Ivashka airport, Olyutersky district 04/28/2023.”
05-January-2024 Friday
31-December-2023 Sunday
Cabin for enlisted personnel (sailors) on the super trawler "Vladimir Biryukov" 2023
05-December-2023 Tuesday
The voice of a crying doctor
29-November-2023 Wednesday
"American pissies!"
27-October-2023 Friday
Spending report for October 27
24-October-2023 Tuesday
A good, suitable film about life in the north of Kamchatka
24-June-2020 Wednesday
Kamchatka, land of contrasts