Youtube, Copyright

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17-September-2016 Saturday
Unequal struggle with the copyright holder on youtube

23-August-2016 Tuesday
Copyright content on YouTube

11-May-2016 Wednesday
Everything - remix |

04-February-2016 Thursday
I have an idea!

24-November-2015 Tuesday
Continuation of the story with a video about Darth Vader and the balalaika

09-October-2015 Friday
Copyright protection at its finest

11-August-2015 Tuesday
Is there justice or thanks to the pikabushniks who stop smart-ass

08-August-2015 Saturday
Like I was raped by a YouTUBE moderator, is that fucking normal?!?!?!?

28-July-2015 Tuesday
Copyright on YouTube.

22-July-2015 Wednesday
Access to YouTube in the Russian Federation may be restricted due to copyright infringement.

22-July-2015 Wednesday
Roskomnadzor may block YouTube

20-June-2015 Saturday
How to remove copyright (AP) from music, for YouTube.

26-April-2015 Sunday
Where to get music without copyright. It was a discovery for me that everything is so simple on YouTube and lies

13-February-2015 Friday
YouTube says purring cat is copyright infringement

19-November-2014 Wednesday
Krasnoyarsk resident will sue the Daily Mail for a video with nitrogen (Long post)

29-June-2014 Sunday
O.o happens

27-February-2014 Thursday
Hundreds of hours of work, 240 films...

25-February-2014 Tuesday
In light of the new copyright system and developments in Ukraine.

03-February-2014 Monday
No Opinion [BadEnd]

03-October-2013 Thursday
But you don’t want ZarenyeGvozdi, do you?!

10-August-2013 Saturday
What is it like?!?

22-June-2013 Saturday
This post is copyrighted (c)

01-June-2013 Saturday
I just wanted to watch the video =/

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