Warhammer 40k

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28-March-2013 Thursday
Regiments of the Imperial Guard (part 3) (Long post)

26-March-2013 Tuesday
Of course, I share the opinion of this dude, but this is not a reason to draw chaosites!

21-March-2013 Thursday
Regiments of the Imperial Guard (part 2) (Long post)

20-March-2013 Wednesday
Regiments of the Imperial Guard (part 1) (Long post)

15-March-2013 Friday
The rebirth of Warhammer 40K in the world of digital entertainment

08-March-2013 Friday
Happy International Women's Day! :)

08-March-2013 Friday
they say they love high-quality cosplay

07-March-2013 Thursday
Desktop Warhammer 40000

05-March-2013 Tuesday
Crossover of two universes

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