Telegram (link), Crimea

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24-February-2024 Saturday
Footage has appeared on the Internet showing armed PMC fighters breaking into a Crimean cafe

27-January-2024 Saturday
Razvozhaev explained the loud noises in Sevastopol as firing from grenade launchers

15-December-2023 Friday
You can safely enter any other city - and the place will seem familiar...

07-December-2023 Thursday
Conflict over loud dog barking

25-November-2023 Saturday
The Ministry of Defense showed a video of the destruction of Ukrainian Armed Forces boats near Crimea

08-November-2023 Wednesday
More than 1,600 plants were planted at the Green Festival "Tavrida.ART"

06-November-2023 Monday
A ship was lowered in Crimea..... 3-4 times

20-October-2023 Friday
Zelenskaya asked Google representatives to display Crimea as Ukrainian for all search engine map users

03-October-2023 Tuesday
During an air raid raid, the Sevastopol College of Architecture and Civil Engineering sings the anthem of their beloved city!

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