Telegram (link), Stray dogs

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19-February-2024 Monday
Reply to the post “In the Samara region they staged lynching and poisoned almost all street dogs”

19-February-2024 Monday
Reply to Zima.Letto in “In the Samara region they organized lynching and poisoned almost all street dogs”

19-February-2024 Monday
Cordek’s answer to “In the Samara region they organized lynching and poisoned almost all street dogs”

19-February-2024 Monday
Cordek’s answer to “In the Samara region they organized lynching and poisoned almost all street dogs”

19-February-2024 Monday
Reply to the post “In the Samara region they staged lynching and poisoned almost all street dogs”

19-February-2024 Monday
Reply to the post “In the Samara region they staged lynching and poisoned almost all street dogs”

18-February-2024 Sunday
In the Samara region they staged lynching and poisoned almost all street dogs

17-February-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post “How to protect yourself from a pack of stray dogs in Khabarovsk:”

09-February-2024 Friday
After the publication of the Popular Front, at the direction of Bastrykin, a criminal case was opened regarding dog attacks on people

08-February-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “In Samara, the police detained the “dog master” Uncle Vova”

26-January-2024 Friday
270 million rubles for a palace for stray dogs in Chuvashia

22-January-2024 Monday
In Simferopol, fighting dogs attack people

05-January-2024 Friday
Tin in Khabarovsk

20-December-2023 Wednesday
Reply to the post “The law of the Altai Republic will allow stray dogs to be euthanized”

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