Ruby on Rails
10-May-2020 Sunday
Learning to program - video in Russian. Making a clone of Peekaboo
05-February-2020 Wednesday
I published the source code of my first web application
23-February-2018 Friday
Here he is - a real man!
04-September-2017 Monday
Ruby on Rails start
23-May-2017 Tuesday
More web tutorials
15-April-2017 Saturday
Ruby on Rails
09-June-2016 Thursday
It happens
07-June-2016 Tuesday
Ruby and Crystal
02-October-2015 Friday
Ruby on Rails: Validation Screencast by Dev Journal
02-September-2015 Wednesday
Man neighbor or noise fee
21-August-2015 Friday
Using the Paperclip gem with Ruby on Rails. Dev Journal screencasts
17-August-2015 Monday
Sinatra is a web framework written in Ruby.
29-July-2015 Wednesday
Rails Casts: Write a Ruby on Rails blog in 15 minutes.
26-July-2015 Sunday
Rails Casts: View and its template engines - slim, haml
22-July-2015 Wednesday
Installing Ruby on Rails on Windows
08-June-2015 Monday
Git version control system - new video.
05-June-2015 Friday
New Rails Tutorial - Migrations, Adding a Field to a Database
02-June-2015 Tuesday
Creating an application in Ruby on Rails. Scaffold, actions and migrations.
01-June-2015 Monday
Ruby programming language
11-December-2014 Thursday
Lunch sets of Georgian cuisine
30-November-2014 Sunday
Housing for a programmer in Kazan
21-November-2014 Friday
Have you ever written on rails?
30-July-2014 Wednesday
Are there ruby ??on rails developers here?
04-February-2014 Tuesday
Need help from people with knowledge of Ruby on Rails