Marvel vs DC, Comics

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18-August-2017 Friday
Suggest something to read (comics)

28-May-2017 Sunday
Before filming

23-January-2017 Monday
Wait wait, oh yeah. ...

15-August-2016 Monday
Where to start reading comics?

06-August-2016 Saturday
Boiled: about Marvel vs DC

15-July-2016 Friday
How these two studios make films:

07-June-2016 Tuesday
I wonder who will win who?

07-June-2016 Tuesday
Illustrated by Justin Muller

27-May-2016 Friday
That's how things are :(

04-April-2016 Monday
Application of water in the burning area

28-March-2016 Monday
Actors who played two characters in the Marvel and DC universes Part 3

08-March-2016 Tuesday
Which side will you choose?

08-February-2016 Monday
Feel sorry for these guys :(

25-January-2016 Monday

19-December-2015 Saturday
I would watch this fight.

09-December-2015 Wednesday
For comic book lovers

14-February-2015 Saturday
Marvel vs. DC.

03-April-2014 Thursday
Someday DC Comics will have its own movie universe

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