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22-February-2015 Sunday
Samsung on its official Instagram page posted a photo of the new, cool, innovative, original, fantastic

10-December-2014 Wednesday
Confessions of an emigrant living in the USA for 25 years

18-November-2014 Tuesday
Interesting note

18-October-2014 Saturday
Why didn't I think of this before?

23-July-2014 Wednesday
Rashka is everything.

07-May-2014 Wednesday
Yes, I know it's terrible, but it hurts to watch people die.

01-August-2013 Thursday
Grandpa is a wise man.

15-June-2013 Saturday
New band names if audio recordings are not returned (songs already uploaded)

07-June-2013 Friday
So it will be with everyone!

28-May-2013 Tuesday
"It's impossible!" Reason said. "This is recklessness!" Experience noted. "Try..." Dream whispered.

19-May-2013 Sunday
meanwhile in russia

28-March-2013 Thursday
Caucasus - strength?

15-March-2013 Friday

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