Linux, Линукс

06-October-2014 Monday
Professional humor in Peekaboo chat.

25-September-2014 Thursday
Linux Mint vs Ubuntu: First run

19-September-2014 Friday
Linux users need to admit that they cannot defend their point of view with arguments.

11-September-2014 Thursday
No comment

25-July-2014 Friday
Red-eyed, who's awake?

11-May-2014 Sunday
Hey Baby!

04-April-2014 Friday
Professional humor

23-March-2014 Sunday
A question for linuksoid pikabushniks.

15-January-2014 Wednesday
My set of scripts for converting videos and pictures

08-January-2014 Wednesday
50 reasons why a person needs Linux.

01-January-2014 Wednesday
Installed Linux today :)

24-December-2013 Tuesday
eOS Screenshot

25-September-2013 Wednesday
Linux, such Linux :)

09-September-2013 Monday
OS of a smoker and a healthy person.

05-September-2013 Thursday
T-shirt sizes at the Linux Symposium in 1999 and 2008

20-August-2013 Tuesday
Linuxoids, nid help

15-August-2013 Thursday
linux rules

29-June-2013 Saturday
Directness and Linux

30-May-2013 Thursday
Fag on the computer

22-March-2013 Friday
Another league
