Hh, Vacancies

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22-July-2020 Wednesday
I need a job, but I won’t come to work for you!

12-May-2020 Tuesday
Effective manager required

02-May-2020 Saturday
Masters and sympathizers, tell me what’s the catch?

30-April-2020 Thursday
HeadHunter rocks out

20-April-2020 Monday
Gamblers in line

06-April-2020 Monday
The most in-demand jobs during quarantine?

12-February-2020 Wednesday
Post #7225435

03-February-2020 Monday
Post #7206899

02-February-2020 Sunday
Lawyer for 16 rubles per day

02-February-2020 Sunday
Good conditions

29-January-2020 Wednesday
Labor market

07-January-2020 Tuesday
Perhaps the best summary for the New Year holidays

08-December-2019 Sunday
Advertising work at Rosatom

07-December-2019 Saturday
Vacancy for applicants from the future

05-December-2019 Thursday
Vacancies and refusals

04-December-2019 Wednesday
Somehow an American, a black man and a Russian meet...

29-November-2019 Friday
Honest vacancy

26-October-2016 Wednesday
Almost HR or Peekaboo Strength.

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