Google, Нейронные сети

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13-April-2017 Thursday
Google Releases Auto Draw Program to Convert Custom Doodles into Meaningful Drawing

07-March-2017 Tuesday
Google Translate Connects Russian to Deep Learning Translation

08-February-2017 Wednesday
The Google Brain team has developed a technology that enhances the detail of photos

03-September-2016 Saturday
Picture in the topic

09-July-2016 Saturday
Google neural networks process the image

13-May-2016 Friday
Google Neural Network Composed Romantic Poems

14-July-2015 Tuesday
About neural networks

13-July-2015 Monday
A couple of neural networks from Dreamscopeape Dreamer *Site in the description*

12-July-2015 Sunday
Practical use of the neural network

12-July-2015 Sunday
It's just Google's new neural network - Deep Dream

11-July-2015 Saturday
Google artificial neural network will protect users from spam (Skynet is close!)

11-July-2015 Saturday
Everything gets better with neural networks)

09-July-2015 Thursday
Garden of Earthly Delights (DeepDream version)

08-July-2015 Wednesday
"Acid" Google Neural Network

08-July-2015 Wednesday
Erotica was passed through the Google neural networks.

08-July-2015 Wednesday
Neural networks are such neural networks ... Pron through the eyes of artificial intelligence.

03-July-2015 Friday
Neuroartist Google

22-June-2015 Monday
Google showed what the "dreams" of their artificial intelligence systems look like

21-June-2015 Sunday
Pictures painted by neural networks

19-June-2015 Friday
The service for determining the age had difficulties

18-June-2015 Thursday
What does Google's neural networks see in noise?

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