Godot, Godot Engine

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15-December-2021 Wednesday
Godot The Beginner's Way. Particles2D Stirrup Snowfall

12-December-2021 Sunday
Godot is the beginner's way. Drag and Drop for 2D scenes, separate component

03-December-2021 Friday
Godot. Let's discuss)

27-September-2021 Monday
Unexpected effect

13-September-2021 Monday
Salute from monsters, in honor of the day of the programmer

05-September-2021 Sunday
Godot is the beginner's way. I bought animations. unpacking

03-August-2021 Tuesday
Gogot the beginner's way.

18-March-2021 Thursday
Unity or Godot

05-April-2018 Thursday
Great tutorials on Godot Engine 3 in Russian

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