Brutal Doom, Video

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30-December-2019 Monday
"We need to hide it!" I think my dog ??has OCD

09-December-2019 Monday
VietDoom - alpha version is out!

05-December-2019 Thursday
VietDoom - tanks, a helicopter and again about the release of the alpha version

24-November-2019 Sunday
Vietdoom - tanks, gooks and a little about the release date

13-September-2019 Friday
VietDoom - Development Diary #1

02-September-2019 Monday
VietDoom - jungle fire, flamethrower and napalm

18-August-2019 Sunday
VietDoom - a new mod from the author of Brutal Doom

19-June-2019 Wednesday
Brutal Doom: Final Release Trailer

28-March-2018 Wednesday
Brutal Doom: March Updates

02-November-2017 Thursday
Brutal Doom v21 - OPEN BETA Trailer

25-October-2017 Wednesday
Brutal Doom v1 - new animations, combat vehicles, levels from the PSX version, terrain changing system

06-August-2017 Sunday
Brutal Doom v21 Dev Diary - 2 new guns, fluid physics and more...

07-July-2017 Friday
Brutal Doom dev diary update

28-April-2017 Friday
Brutal Doom - another development report

27-March-2017 Monday
Brutal Doom v21 - explosions, barrels, flashlight and modified levels

22-March-2017 Wednesday
When I found a new track and decided to turn it on to my friends

20-March-2017 Monday
Brutal + Half-Life = Brutal Half-Life (Or How Half-Life Got Even Cooler!)

24-February-2017 Friday
Brutal Doom v21 - blood, guts and new weapons

02-February-2017 Thursday
Brutal Doom v20c - even more changes!

01-February-2017 Wednesday
Brutal Doom v20c - first person finishing moves

09-December-2014 Tuesday
Doom, BrutalDoom

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