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05-September-2013 Thursday
The author of the most rated post Pikabu seems to have an anniversary of professional activity!

15-August-2013 Thursday
The author of the best post of all time has a calendar in his profile)

11-August-2013 Sunday
He's been gone for almost a month, where did bizze go?

05-May-2013 Sunday
google knows what i want or is bizzze really famous

16-April-2013 Tuesday
Recently, more and more people are becoming dissatisfied with the fact that all memes (pictures, videos) are stolen from other sites and uploaded to Peekaboo.

14-April-2013 Sunday
A little before the record

14-March-2013 Thursday
Today (I just want like bizzze)

06-March-2013 Wednesday
After digging for a couple of hours in fresh, I realized that this phrase is relevant again!

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