Android 7

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06-December-2019 Friday
How to install root rights on a phone using kali Linux

29-November-2019 Friday
The styles in the mobile version of the site are broken

28-July-2019 Sunday
Google, are you serious?

15-October-2018 Monday
Why do apps need access to camera/location/data/microphone/phone and messages???

28-September-2018 Friday
Maybe someone knows??

17-March-2018 Saturday
Blacklist for android

03-March-2018 Saturday
How to add a house to the "Most not safe" list?

15-September-2016 Thursday
Perfectionist Android Hell

30-June-2016 Thursday
For the new version of android, a name was chosen.

08-June-2016 Wednesday
The name of the new version of Android N (7.0) will be announced in a few weeks

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