2021, news

28-February-2022 Monday
Reading the news

15-December-2021 Wednesday
Miss Universe 2021 had to meow during the show

24-September-2021 Friday
MUSIC for massage training and relaxation sketched sketches

09-September-2021 Thursday
Guards about the US secret base

22-July-2021 Thursday
2021 continues: Americans found viruses unknown to science in ancient ice

20-July-2021 Tuesday
Riding fire in Yakutia 2021

03-June-2021 Thursday
Track premiere 2021

01-June-2021 Tuesday
How the Kazakhstan national team can become a quarter-finalist of the 2021 Ice Hockey World Cup

05-April-2019 Friday
Starting in 2021, only Ferrari will receive fixed bonuses

20-July-2018 Friday
From 2021, Formula 1 cars will get new wheels.
