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26-April-2013 Friday
Gentlemen are generally gentlemen

24-April-2013 Wednesday
Hello Traffic Inspector, I want to play one game with you...

23-April-2013 Tuesday
Well, pikabushniks speak out on this matter

23-April-2013 Tuesday
U.S. judge imposes fine on himself

22-April-2013 Monday
Significant support for corruption in the ranks of the traffic police.

16-April-2013 Tuesday
Driving into the center, I saw in reality the tricks of the StopHam group

10-April-2013 Wednesday
A picture for which you will immediately be imprisoned for several years and a fine of 300,000 rubles

07-April-2013 Sunday
Here is such a Law.

30-March-2013 Saturday
Why are Germans polite or how they swear in Germany.

22-March-2013 Friday
Impressive, right?

18-March-2013 Monday
You can, of course, not like trucks, but you have to be aware when they go - it's your grub, your plasma, your mobile phone (DP)

17-March-2013 Sunday
In Crimea, a guy was fined for posting his intimate photos on a porn site

15-March-2013 Friday
The police issued a fine, mistaking a snow sculpture for a real car

10-March-2013 Sunday
The fight against "aviation rudeness" in Russia and in the world (according to RIAnews)

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