School, Emotions

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14-June-2022 Tuesday
Ecolong's response to "Dumb Laughs at Smart"

22-May-2022 Sunday
Reply to the post "I graduated from school ... At 27"

12-April-2022 Tuesday
Remembering the Past - 3

25-January-2022 Tuesday
The Abomination of a Dark Morning

06-August-2021 Friday
"My first love and why I'm prejudiced against women"

24-September-2018 Monday
school horror

11-February-2018 Sunday
No holiday-2.

02-September-2017 Saturday
The first grader who "did" September 1st!

23-May-2017 Tuesday
When you want to go back to kindergarten, but it's too late

23-April-2017 Sunday
Toilet bowls

07-November-2016 Monday
Notes on the school desk. Part 5

01-September-2015 Tuesday
Emotions after the first day of school...

06-April-2015 Monday
What did he see?

04-October-2014 Saturday
It's a pity, Zherim "On the plane" did not work ...

19-December-2013 Thursday
Emotions are like that

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