05-October-2023 Thursday
Happy Teacher's Day!
06-March-2023 Monday
27-June-2022 Monday
Sex education in school
21-March-2022 Monday
Inuyama Sensei
05-October-2021 Tuesday
Jupiter, Taiwan and Natusik: what popular nicknames for Russian teachers sound like
05-February-2021 Friday
In the closet behind the assembly hall, the school ensemble was rehearsing
19-January-2021 Tuesday
Russian school of the XXI century
10-March-2020 Tuesday
I asked my mother about March 8th
14-September-2019 Saturday
Scandal in a Gomel school: a teacher swore at a 4th grader, threatening to kill him
10-September-2019 Tuesday
On the wave about bad teachers, just the opposite.
17-June-2019 Monday
Clowns at the exam
06-December-2018 Thursday
Tales from the teacher's room.
03-December-2018 Monday
Again about teachers.
15-November-2018 Thursday
"Advice from a psychologist"
21-June-2017 Wednesday
Incident in the staff room
07-May-2017 Sunday
Our school won!
21-February-2017 Tuesday
Dear Marya Vanna, Happy Teacher's Day!
16-December-2016 Friday
Teacher's. New Year's Eve week.
18-October-2016 Tuesday
Gone to business
15-October-2014 Wednesday
Perlovka 2. Very specific school humor.
20-November-2013 Wednesday