Scientists, Person

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29-May-2019 Wednesday
Revealed the secret of human evolution

18-June-2018 Monday
Biologists have found a cell that can restore any organ

20-May-2018 Sunday
Scientists: A person can live in a young body up to 130 years

30-January-2018 Tuesday
Scientists: now human waste will become food

04-November-2017 Saturday
Scientists have found out what the dead feel: they are aware of everything and understand that they are "gone"

28-March-2017 Tuesday
Scientists have declared the selfishness of cats a myth

27-January-2017 Friday
Scientists have grown a human-pig embryo for the first time

27-January-2017 Friday
Scientists manage to grow a hybrid human-pig embryo

07-December-2016 Wednesday
Scientists have found a similarity of functions in the face of a person and the backside of a chimpanzee

09-September-2016 Friday
Scientists have developed a material that cools human skin

29-April-2016 Friday
Very interesting ! Personality and the brain - how do they interact and who controls whom? Part 1

19-March-2016 Saturday
Scientists believe that the average person will soon live much longer

02-January-2016 Saturday
McLuhan's tetrad - how cars, selfies and DIY connect us to the past

21-August-2015 Friday
Canadian scientists are not far behind the British)

07-May-2015 Thursday
Estimated appearance of a person of the future

11-March-2015 Wednesday

10-March-2015 Tuesday
I knew it!

19-February-2015 Thursday
«Homo memberportantes»

10-May-2013 Friday
Blood group and sexuality

03-May-2013 Friday
Scientists have predicted what a person will look like in 2768 years

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