Bite, Humor

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03-July-2018 Tuesday
Vampire Saga: Something went wrong...

27-May-2018 Sunday
Ahaha, Ksenia continues to burn! XD

15-March-2018 Thursday
Tourist group after a successful tour of Australia.

07-March-2018 Wednesday
Breaking news!

03-December-2017 Sunday
medical histories. #69: Reflex.

15-November-2017 Wednesday
Everything you ever wanted to know about "Kus" but were afraid to ask.

23-September-2017 Saturday
Favorite pet

11-June-2017 Sunday
Accidental bite)) stewed with VK. Bayan did not seem to swear

13-April-2017 Thursday
The snake scared the nerds

03-August-2016 Wednesday
-Gnawing? - No, sucks.

21-July-2016 Thursday
Took a bite off half

31-May-2016 Tuesday
When you scratch a mosquito bite

25-June-2015 Thursday
Don't mess with the badger

24-February-2015 Tuesday
Dog finds extra paw

22-December-2014 Monday
See I caught a cancer

29-October-2014 Wednesday
Funny situation with the iguana.

29-June-2014 Sunday
Virus of feminism

26-June-2014 Thursday
Chiellini got bitten again in Brazil :)

23-April-2014 Wednesday

22-August-2013 Thursday
Interesting news =)

09-May-2013 Thursday
Ticks evil

21-April-2013 Sunday
How to properly eliminate defenders.

16-March-2013 Saturday
This is the dialogue

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