Ukraine, Упа

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08-December-2015 Tuesday
Viable, damn it, turned out to be.

28-October-2015 Wednesday
Do not remember veterans only on holidays

06-October-2015 Tuesday
Transfer of experience

19-August-2015 Wednesday
Unidentified activists in Poland destroyed the monument to the soldiers of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army - UPA

31-July-2015 Friday
Cards "Svidomo patriots".

31-July-2015 Friday
Cards "Svidomo patriots"

18-May-2015 Monday
Poland voiced new historical claims to Ukraine

29-April-2015 Wednesday
coming out historians about Bandera and the UPA VS.

28-April-2015 Tuesday
coming out historians about Bandera and the UPA VS.

28-April-2015 Tuesday
Former State Department official on the new law of Ukraine.

14-April-2015 Tuesday
And the Poles were not invited to the celebrations over the Volyn massacre?

26-March-2015 Thursday
Che Guevara became a revolutionary thanks to the UPA.

14-March-2015 Saturday
Severe addiction

09-November-2014 Sunday
Polish Lviv

20-October-2014 Monday
An interesting film about the UPA and UVO - historical references, photos and, in general, a high-quality documentary

15-October-2014 Wednesday
Rob, thump, vidpochivay!

14-October-2014 Tuesday
Canceled Defender of the Fatherland Day in Ukraine

07-May-2014 Wednesday
A few notes about the UPA

19-March-2014 Wednesday
Svidomo lads!!! On March 17, 1951, the UPA appealed to the US government to provide assistance to the Ukrainian rebels in the fight against the USSR.

18-February-2014 Tuesday
"Friends" of the Russians are back together

21-January-2014 Tuesday
The victorious retreat of the Ukrainian legion.

20-October-2013 Sunday
Knight's Cross

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