Technologies, Scientists

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01-August-2016 Monday
Scientists: A high level of intelligence contributes to the preservation of youth

02-July-2016 Saturday
Scientists have created a medical camera that can fit inside a syringe needle

23-June-2016 Thursday
Russian scientists plan to test teleportation by 2035.

28-April-2016 Thursday
Artificial intelligence colored black and white photos

10-March-2016 Thursday
Artificial intelligence beat the world champion in the game of Go.

08-March-2016 Tuesday
You will not believe, but the most accumulation of germs in..... Top 5

05-February-2016 Friday
Chinese scientists warmed up the plasma three times hotter than the solar core

16-January-2016 Saturday
Chinese scientists plan to conduct the first quantum teleportation

30-December-2015 Wednesday
Is the Death Star an empty fantasy or a realizable project?

09-November-2015 Monday
Graphene-based paper is taking its first "steps".

30-July-2015 Thursday
Scientists: New rocket engine capable of delivering astronauts to the moon in four hours

15-July-2015 Wednesday
US intelligence agencies kill dangerous Russian scientists

03-July-2015 Friday
10 modern technologies invented many years ago

13-February-2015 Friday
The Verge, in all seriousness, published a column about the fact that Boston Dynamics should urgently stop kicking the robots they create.

11-September-2014 Thursday
New night vision device lets you see through walls and skin

23-March-2014 Sunday
A new superconducting material based on graphene has been developed

13-March-2014 Thursday
It's just kapets, I don't catch up at all ...

26-January-2014 Sunday
Scientists are working on the creation of a fighting robot

05-January-2014 Sunday
Artificial muscles based on vanadium will be 1000 times stronger than human ones

29-September-2013 Sunday
Ghostly interaction of particles.

18-July-2013 Thursday
And you keep growing your ass and drinking.

08-March-2013 Friday
A part of the missing skull was "printed" using a printer.

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