TV channel, Humor

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24-March-2022 Thursday
The TV channel accidentally (?) inserted an image of Joe Biden instead of a photo of a rapist

18-March-2021 Thursday
As usual, the comments to the posts themselves are more interesting and funnier

26-February-2021 Friday
Nothing special, just Friday in Moscow...

11-December-2020 Friday
Reply to the post “Funny title)”

18-June-2020 Thursday
He always liked to sit in the back of the classroom

22-February-2020 Saturday

29-January-2020 Wednesday
When you live in Wuhan and you have a wedding

25-September-2019 Wednesday

09-December-2018 Sunday
Tomorrow in Russia will launch the first domestic channel with anime and fantasy

24-November-2016 Thursday
Acquaintance with the children's TV channel DuckTV.

21-June-2016 Tuesday
How to poop! What "poop" should look like, how to properly wipe your ass!) Informative!

17-August-2015 Monday
Forced to convert you

23-March-2015 Monday
Sports TV channel in Iran

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