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07-June-2013 Friday
Who knows this wonderful game?

02-June-2013 Sunday
Went to the cottage

26-May-2013 Sunday
How the plot develops in comedies.

20-May-2013 Monday
Great story, I'm downloading it.

19-May-2013 Sunday
Video clip

15-May-2013 Wednesday
another plot of the matrix

14-May-2013 Tuesday
the whole story in one picture

06-May-2013 Monday
I recommend to all connoisseurs.

03-May-2013 Friday
The beginning of all horror movies!

31-March-2013 Sunday
Bioshock Infinite - plot and characters (naturally spoilers)

28-March-2013 Thursday
Scripting games. I found an interesting article in VK ( Decided to share with you.

23-March-2013 Saturday
I have been writing a book recently, I want to share it with you in order to find out how you like the idea itself.

21-March-2013 Thursday
The "original" plot of Avatar.

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