Advice, Studies

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18-May-2014 Sunday
Dedicated to applicants to medical colleges, or to those who do not get into a medical university.

23-April-2014 Wednesday
Jokes about Durov for 300

11-April-2014 Friday
Lomonosov readings, or advice to students

26-February-2014 Wednesday
Hello peekaboo, I'm asking for advice on choosing an educational institution.

13-February-2014 Thursday
Help me Peekaboo!

11-February-2014 Tuesday
Hello, my dear. Need your advice ;)

29-January-2014 Wednesday
Need advice

28-January-2014 Tuesday
Pikabushniks, I have to turn to you for help, advice, at least something, although I risk gaining minuses, I have no other choice :(

27-January-2014 Monday
I ask for advice from ... schoolchildren!))

19-January-2014 Sunday
The Dalai Lama will not advise garbage

17-December-2013 Tuesday
Advice from Peekaboo.

12-December-2013 Thursday
When you realize that something is going wrong, you need good advice.

03-December-2013 Tuesday
We need advice from smart and cunning pikabushniks on how to learn or write off. All the details are in the post.

18-October-2013 Friday
And it really helps!

24-September-2013 Tuesday
Help me decide on a career path!

12-September-2013 Thursday
The case speaks

03-September-2013 Tuesday
Advice to those who began to study elsewhere, but are shy.

18-August-2013 Sunday
League of good and good advice

01-August-2013 Thursday
Education in the evening department, your opinion.

30-May-2013 Thursday
A question for Peekaboo.

16-May-2013 Thursday
Unified State Examination ... Reasoning, Tips (part 3)

28-April-2013 Sunday
Studying and working for a doctor +\-

18-April-2013 Thursday
Please raise the post.

17-April-2013 Wednesday
Recommend books

08-April-2013 Monday

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