Sergei Shnurov

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06-July-2013 Saturday
When did trolling appear on the Internet? who was the first troll? Which category of people is easier to troll?

03-July-2013 Wednesday
And this is how it really was.

29-May-2013 Wednesday
Good rhyme! I looked at a fierce clip on YouTube, the song pleased especially the chorus!

23-May-2013 Thursday
With the permission of Seryoga Cord, I post it. (Caution MAT!!!) Where did you get it from?

10-May-2013 Friday
The main alcoholic of the country, at a press conference))

19-April-2013 Friday
As it turned out, the Leningrad group sings not only obscene songs! Poems - Marina Tsvetaeva (November 29, 1924) / music - Sergey Shnurov

17-March-2013 Sunday
Opinion of an ordinary person

14-March-2013 Thursday
Sergey Shnurov and Bush

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