Saint Petersburg, Flash mob

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12-September-2017 Tuesday
Apparently now there is a flash mob on the cable-stayed bridge.

17-May-2017 Wednesday
First flashmobs!

28-January-2017 Saturday
Song flash mob: St. Petersburg SUCCESSFULLY SING!!! You haven't seen this yet! Bravo!

28-December-2016 Wednesday
St. Petersburg AS ALWAYS THE BEST! This is a must see! Song flash mob

25-December-2016 Sunday
Saint-Petersburg "Quiet Night" DIVINELY SING! Pulkovo Airport - song flash mob

07-November-2016 Monday
Briefly about the weather in St. Petersburg

29-October-2016 Saturday
June 12 Day of Russia flashmob in St. Petersburg

14-June-2016 Tuesday
When you're bored in traffic

20-June-2015 Saturday
Anthem of the Russian Federation

31-May-2015 Sunday
Flashmob Taxovichkoff

11-May-2015 Monday
St. Petersburg hosted the 5th annual singing flash mob

19-March-2015 Thursday
Video about how we built a heart out of people in the center of St. Petersburg.

04-March-2015 Wednesday
Heart of the City of St. Petersburg.

22-September-2014 Monday
13 dead girls walked along Nevsky Prospekt

16-July-2014 Wednesday
About the heart of the city

11-May-2014 Sunday
Flashmob on Sherlock in St. Petersburg

09-May-2014 Friday
St. Petersburg, 9 May.

09-May-2014 Friday
Flash mob of Victory in the St. Petersburg metro

10-January-2014 Friday
Picabushniki of St. Petersburg

04-December-2013 Wednesday
Flash mob in St. Petersburg at a concert

10-November-2013 Sunday
Pure St. Petersburg flashmob

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