17-November-2023 Friday
Ruthenium is an element named after... you will find out in the video
30-March-2022 Wednesday
With the alphabet, everything is already clear. We are waiting for the reaction of chemists, physicists and metallurgists...
26-April-2020 Sunday
Nuclear energy is accidents and lies
04-August-2019 Sunday
Ruthenium is a role model
17-March-2018 Saturday
What exactly is the metal ruthenium?
20-December-2017 Wednesday
On the main news portal of Chelyabinsk, there is information about the radiation background, which, as it were, hints ...
30-November-2017 Thursday
Good day
30-November-2017 Thursday
Radioactive bulletin #5, about the release of ruthenium
25-November-2017 Saturday
"Sensation" or provocation around ruthenium?
23-November-2017 Thursday
Ruthenium in Europe. An attempt to figure it out.
23-November-2017 Thursday
Ruthenium is not terrible!
23-November-2017 Thursday
Is it possible to sleep peacefully in Chelyabinsk? Who creates the panic? Radiation.
21-November-2017 Tuesday
On the wave about ruthenium in Europe)