Russia, FRG

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16-April-2022 Saturday
German political scientist spoke about the difference between Russians and "normal" people

15-April-2022 Friday
Scholz called "annoying" the refusal of the Ukrainian authorities to accept Steinmeier

17-March-2022 Thursday
The first Russian flight into space: how Viktorenko and Kaleri carried a German to the Mir

16-March-2022 Wednesday
An unusual opinion of a German about Russia

27-February-2022 Sunday
Response to the post "If you're a Ukrainian writing indignantly on a peekaboo, it looks like you don't know the following facts"

10-July-2021 Saturday
The publication of the OPCW report for 2020 gave rise to a new twist in the case of the poisoning of Alexei Navalny

22-August-2020 Saturday
Germany admitted Putin was right on the issue of Russia's gold reserves

12-January-2020 Sunday
So from which countries does the threat to peace come?

04-January-2020 Saturday
A journalist from Germany told on what conditions the Germans are ready to forgive Russia for the GDR

21-August-2018 Tuesday
Berlin put forward a condition for gas transit to Kyiv

04-December-2016 Sunday
Russian influence.

24-August-2016 Wednesday
Ukraine was excluded from the Minsk negotiation process.

26-June-2016 Sunday
The statements of the head of the military department of Germany surprised the Russian Ministry of Defense

13-July-2015 Monday
Germany is not Germany

19-April-2015 Sunday
German Foreign Ministry warns Russia against recognizing DNR and LNR

26-February-2015 Thursday
German spy chief: Russia steps up espionage in Europe

12-November-2014 Wednesday
To Berlin!!!!

13-May-2014 Tuesday
Gerhard Schroeder: The EU is to blame for the crisis in Ukraine

05-May-2014 Monday
Welt: Helmut Kohl should have sold the GDR to Russia

04-April-2014 Friday
German Finance Minister Schauble denies comparing Putin to Hitler (Obama, Nasa and Schaube now deny their words against Russia)

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