Russia, Coupons

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25-May-2021 Tuesday
Stability is the key to excellence

08-February-2017 Wednesday
The Ministry of Industry and Trade published a list of products on cards for the poor

21-January-2016 Thursday
Hello from the 90s. Strike ahead

25-November-2015 Wednesday
Jokes aside, but this morning I had to buy gas with coupons :(

03-September-2015 Thursday
The Russia we lost...

17-February-2015 Tuesday
Not taxes, but coupons)

05-February-2015 Thursday
That feeling when you finally got coupons for coupons and you return home:

08-January-2015 Thursday
Well, how are you, "Brothers"?

22-December-2014 Monday
The totalitarian regime strikes back!

25-November-2014 Tuesday
Current offer

24-November-2014 Monday
I change the coupon for the use of third-party firmware on smartphones to the coupon "For the right to use American weapons in computer games"

06-November-2014 Thursday
Dinner vouchers)

28-October-2014 Tuesday
Air coupons

27-October-2014 Monday
Internet coupons for everyone

24-October-2014 Friday
And again about the "Internet by coupons"

24-October-2014 Friday
Internet coupons

08-August-2014 Friday
About the embargo on goods of the EU, the USA and others

09-June-2014 Monday
Coupon policy

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