Religion, Theology

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01-April-2019 Monday
Theology in Russian universities: why is it absurd?

28-February-2019 Thursday
Russian education includes theology

04-February-2019 Monday
Studying at the Department of Theology.

06-December-2018 Thursday
Adam and Eve, a big joint in the Bible or not?

15-October-2018 Monday
Schism in the Orthodox Church

06-March-2018 Tuesday
Moscow State University professor accused Patriarch Kirill of obscurantism for supporting theology

03-March-2018 Saturday
Religious studies and theology. Main difference.

01-March-2018 Thursday
Patriarch Kirill announced the end of the atheistic education system

01-June-2017 Thursday
The first candidate of theology appeared in Russia.

18-May-2017 Thursday
Would you like to talk about God? (Is there a big difference between a "believer" and an "atheist"?)

03-October-2016 Monday
Religion, theology, evolution, nipple and smoking hole)

15-September-2016 Thursday
Lying vinaigrette

08-May-2016 Sunday
Theological and philological post

26-November-2015 Thursday
The Russian Orthodox Church proposes to abandon the separation of church and state

12-October-2015 Monday
Due to recent events.

29-March-2015 Sunday
When theology is science.

05-March-2015 Thursday
Worldview struggle.

28-January-2015 Wednesday
Paradigm shift

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