Teacher, University
01-June-2013 Saturday
note to teachers
31-May-2013 Friday
Peekaboo! I challenge you!
29-May-2013 Wednesday
University case
28-May-2013 Tuesday
I just noticed :D
27-May-2013 Monday
that very moment ...
27-May-2013 Monday
These are the teachers at BSUIR.
23-May-2013 Thursday
delivery of the subject
14-May-2013 Tuesday
This is higher education, baby.
14-May-2013 Tuesday
In the League of Evil me?
13-May-2013 Monday
And in my group there are such :D
13-May-2013 Monday
And maybe for the better
06-May-2013 Monday
OK it's all over Now.
29-April-2013 Monday
So you have x * d worth))
25-April-2013 Thursday
did everything right!!!
25-April-2013 Thursday
from the heart of the teacher)
22-April-2013 Monday
The teacher is a friend to the student.
22-April-2013 Monday
The teachers freaked out.
22-April-2013 Monday
Shabut teacher :)
17-April-2013 Wednesday
It happens...
12-April-2013 Friday
we just passed the test for 5...
24-March-2013 Sunday
Such fun for many teachers)))
22-March-2013 Friday
All clear?
14-March-2013 Thursday
Since everyone boasts of teachers - here's a teacher in electricity and magnetism
12-March-2013 Tuesday
Cool teacher.
12-March-2013 Tuesday
Teachers are like that.