Politics, Yandex Taxi

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30-March-2024 Saturday
They want to introduce a bill that will oblige the employer to pay for a taxi to an employee

23-February-2024 Friday
Rude taxi drivers

16-February-2024 Friday
The State Duma proposed a ban on raising taxi prices in bad weather

15-February-2024 Thursday
Another idea from deputies

30-January-2024 Tuesday
Yandex support pleases

17-December-2023 Sunday
The Public Council asked the Federation Council to allow migrants to work in taxis

03-December-2023 Sunday
Oligarch and eggs

04-May-2023 Thursday
Created a project, looking for influential people with ambitions for power, presidency in any government, any country

14-December-2022 Wednesday
Reply to the post "Couriers from the two-week-old strike don't stop"

08-May-2022 Sunday
Yandex vs. Russia

04-May-2022 Wednesday
The opinion of J.Taxi about the self-marking of vehicles by drivers

20-April-2022 Wednesday
Yandex prohibits the Z symbol

31-March-2022 Thursday
Unmanned Yandex.Taxi everything? Yandex may lose vital technologies within a year

23-March-2022 Wednesday
Latvian sprat bites Russian Yandex

05-March-2022 Saturday
We'll reply in a few minutes

22-December-2021 Wednesday
Bots on Peekaboo

04-September-2020 Friday
Chinese taxi aggregator, using dumping, survives Yandex from Kazan

16-April-2020 Thursday
Taxi in the era of quarantine

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