Politics, Spoiler

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29-September-2017 Friday
Nobody's "Crimea".

24-September-2017 Sunday
Megaspoiler "Matilda" with a full exposure from the Russian historian and publicist Pyotr Multatuli

22-September-2017 Friday

01-August-2017 Tuesday
From the 1984 book Orwell!

01-June-2016 Wednesday
13:00: Secret soldiers of Benghazi

24-May-2016 Tuesday
Reminds me of this episode

22-May-2016 Sunday
Game of Thrones, the secret of the birth of GDP is revealed

12-May-2016 Thursday
Sorry for spoilers, couldn't resist..

13-April-2016 Wednesday
What does this president allow himself?

30-December-2015 Wednesday
New Year's address of V.V. Putin 2016 (spoiler)

24-December-2015 Thursday
About useless joy

23-December-2015 Wednesday
Nikita is the god of cosplay!

06-July-2015 Monday
Question from Captain Obvious

06-July-2015 Monday
In connection with the Greek referendum and the new Terminator Genesis.

05-May-2015 Tuesday
speaks the truth)

25-January-2015 Sunday
Coincidence? I do not think.

10-November-2014 Monday
If you see this post

18-July-2013 Thursday
Spoiler alert!

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