Flight, Speed

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15-February-2022 Tuesday
The sum of the speeds of the two aircraft

11-August-2021 Wednesday
FPV speed freestyle dizzy

20-October-2019 Sunday
How to make flying on an airplane near the window even more interesting?

08-September-2019 Sunday

21-April-2019 Sunday
Nice day on Elbrus

03-February-2019 Sunday
"Guys, keep your speed...)"

11-October-2017 Wednesday
When you walk in the morning and your mother calls you to come to the window to make sure that everything is all right with you.

31-August-2017 Thursday
On the airwave.

21-March-2017 Tuesday
Experimental hybrid helicopter

30-October-2016 Sunday
When your cat is Flash

17-October-2016 Monday
high speed flight

24-June-2015 Wednesday
Drone Racing

19-November-2014 Wednesday

31-July-2014 Thursday
What can turn into a declaration of love ...

02-July-2014 Wednesday
"Fast" plane.

31-July-2013 Wednesday
When the desire to know is above all

03-June-2013 Monday
Hold on tight, we're flying!

15-March-2013 Friday

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