Film, the USSR

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19-November-2018 Monday
Again I save the equipment: I didn’t have time to buy it - I already sold it.

03-January-2018 Wednesday
The shutters of film cameras sound.

17-November-2017 Friday
If you want to annoy a friend, give a camera, or temporary import substitution.

28-October-2017 Saturday
The swan song of the Soviet film industry: masterpieces and not so much that managed to get to the assembly line

26-August-2017 Saturday
I continue to rummage in the junk number 2.

25-August-2017 Friday
Something interesting from Soviet and not only film photographic equipment, or I continue to fumble in junk.

29-October-2016 Saturday
Moscow, 1964

11-October-2015 Sunday
Home cinema of the times of the USSR.

06-November-2014 Thursday
1946 Trick photography.

31-May-2014 Saturday
The life of the most famous children's camp after the collapse of the USSR

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