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04-July-2019 Thursday
About "staff rats".

15-March-2018 Thursday
How they almost took me to a psychiatric hospital from the army

07-May-2017 Sunday
Army. 176. The clerk wants clothes, he does not want to be a clerk.

08-March-2017 Wednesday
The life of a Far Eastern soldier at the training ground ...

06-November-2016 Sunday
Staff member. Chapter 3: About the service of the troops.

31-October-2016 Monday
Staff member. Chapter 2: 3 golden days or a little less.

27-October-2016 Thursday
Staff member. Chapter 1: Beginning.

25-October-2016 Tuesday
Staff member: Chapter 0. Harmful and not very good advice.

01-October-2014 Wednesday
Inspired by a post about advice to new recruits.

02-May-2013 Thursday
There could be

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