Peak Comfort
05-June-2024 Wednesday
PIK-Comfort - there is no water in the hose, firefighters are forced to extinguish the fire with buckets and collect water from neighbors
05-December-2023 Tuesday
Peak comfort, where is the comfort?!
12-September-2023 Tuesday
PIK connects cable television services itself
23-November-2022 Wednesday
PIK-Comfort and fakes in Zelenograd
26-November-2021 Friday
Legendary and fucked up UK Peak-Comfort
23-August-2021 Monday
Management Company PIK-Comfort does not give away the house
, Пик-Комфорт
Видео, Пик-Комфорт
Дом, Пик-Комфорт
Housing and communal services
ЖКХ, Пик-Комфорт
Apartment buildings
Многоквартирные дома, Пик-Комфорт
Пик, Пик-Комфорт
Peak Comfort
Change of criminal code
Пик-Комфорт, Смена УК
Пик-Комфорт, Суд
Пик-Комфорт, Судебное заседание
Management Company
Пик-Комфорт, Управляющая компания
08-August-2021 Sunday
*Petersburgers were called "weasos" in the PIK-Comfort Management Company. I had to apologize
15-April-2021 Thursday
Fucking PIC comfort
21-October-2020 Wednesday
Covid disinfection from Pik-Comfort residential complex Rimsky-Korsakov
06-September-2020 Sunday
A set-up for residents of the top floors of the Rimsky Korsakov residential complex from the Pik group of companies / life in hell
Ад, Пик-Комфорт
Вентиляция, Пик-Комфорт
Peak Group
Группа пик, Пик-Комфорт
Life stories
Истории из жизни, Пик-Комфорт
New building
Новостройка, Пик-Комфорт
New houses
Новые дома, Пик-Комфорт
Отрадное, Пик-Комфорт
Пик, Пик-Комфорт
Peak Comfort
Supply ventilation
Пик-Комфорт, Приточная вентиляция
Пик-Комфорт, Проблема
29-August-2019 Thursday
Insurance policy found, Moscow, Kuzminki
24-August-2019 Saturday
Peak Group of Companies - a lie about a guarantee for finishing an apartment
25-February-2019 Monday
High technologies in the Russian housing and communal services
07-February-2019 Thursday
Where, to whom? Peak-Comfort, be it wrong
25-January-2019 Friday
The house is new, but the pipes are not very
06-January-2019 Sunday
A small story of a big violation
30-September-2018 Sunday
running running running water
07-August-2018 Tuesday
Peak comfort
13-October-2017 Friday
ISP monopoly
18-April-2017 Tuesday
On the one hand negligence - on the other impudence.